Masters Of Their Domain: Umm Jack Black?

Now When I do these Master of Their Domain Posts, I talk about people in the industry and that I feel

have exhibited some form of admiration in their domain; whatever it may be.

Today I have to give it Jack Black.

Why? becuase has the purest form of music passion that I can respect right now.

Of course you have crowd favorites out there that the masses would willing choose to sell their souls for, but I respect Jack Black for fucking keeping Rock Music entertaining and enjoyable.

Most would look at Jack only as a comedic actor, but this guy is closer to our generations Rock God ,.. or well . umm.. lmao .. ok Rock God is a bit much

but you really do have to give the guy his credit.

Just look at the consistent path he’s paved delivering his Rock message over the Years.


He’s released two studio album’s under the group name Tenacious D; Which is awesome by the way.


He’s released a motion picture where he’s teaching young kids how to express themselves in the art of music.

As well as working together and having pride in what they do.

Something that is a real issue in today’s time, seeing how the powers that be want to cut the arts becuase of it’s so called “low priority” compared to other subjects. BULSHIT!


Vodpod videos no longer available.

and now he has his very own video game out, that is actually really f*ing good. Which also passing the essence and feel of that rockers spirit.

I’m sorry .. laugh if you must, but this guy has used more avenues to keep what he loves in the minds & hearts of everyone. In a way that you can’t be made about.

In my opinion that’s way bigger than what you’ll find many of today’s pop stars  and icons just doing for the sake of music. And I feel He deserves attention.

So .. with that said..

JACK BLACK.. you are the Master of ROCKING N ROLLIN’ MY FRIEND!!!

all you need to do now is write a book .. lol..

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