Philly Fashion Week: THE FINAL DAY!!

The finally Day of Philly fashion week set the bar for all the interesting
people I believe you’ll find in Philly..

Let me show you.

So in VIP, I met this young lady who had the sickest finger action going on.
Check it out, you might need some gamma ray goggles to protect your retinas.. šŸ˜›
Not only was her ring monstrous, each one of her nails were decked out in some wild crazy jewel arrangement.
Simply SICK!..

And then we have these two. I didn’t really talk to these guys to figure out
who they were and who they represented. But I would be doing
an injustice by not taking a picture of them and show them off.



I must say that the runway show was the best on the final day though. The two lines that I paid the most attention to were Strangefruit and Marina Makaron Maskow.

DSCF1016I didn’t get any pics from Strangefruit,

(CROWD BOOS ) but, I did get some pretty cool shots non of the less. So let’s get our oo’s and aw’s ready.


Here are the guys responsible for that banging show. šŸ™‚

ooo wait.. that beautiful lady looks familiar. I bet your scratching you head tryna figure out where you saw her from.

well let me help you … check out the DAY 2 wrap up..

Now let’s see the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!!!


DSCF1020DSCF1079hey thats me!! šŸ™‚


I had a pretty damn good discussion with these ladies.


DSCF1021oooo .. but who can resist this fine one..

Ok .. I think I’m reaching my limit as far as energy goes. So I’m going to leave you guys to have fun and do whatever you will with the pictures after the jump. My finally verdict with Philly Fashion Week is that if you didn’t go, you missed out on a great opportunity to get to know your fellow Philadelphian’s as well as the emerging young talent coming out of the area. In addition to missing out on connections, I notice that there aren’t too many events that Philadelphia necessarily takes seriously. I don’t know why, seeing how majority of the major events that come our way are pretty major. But I feel like you have to care about something sometimes, and this was definitely an event to care about. After all in the long run, who knows what the popularity of a Philly Fashion Week would lead too. I mean you honestly never know.

So next year, my advice is to buy your tickets, get your passes, and gather your friends and make sure you make it out to at least one of the days. Just like I say to my Superdope friends, an event is nothing without the people. All the organizers can do is put all the puzzle pieces together, but up to you the patrons, guests, and/or audience to come and have fun wit it. Simple as that.

so in short..


and thats that. šŸ˜‰

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